Talysson Oliveira Cassiano

Senior Web Developer and Technical Evolution Director @ Codeminer42

How does DDD and software architecture play on the frontend?
viernes 3, 15:00 - 15:30
Talysson Oliveira Cassiano


Talysson Oliveira Cassiano

Senior Web Developer and Technical Evolution Director @ Codeminer42

Talysson is a web developer and software architect fueled by the excitement from the possibilities that technology creates to turn the world a better place for everybody. His professional journey started on the frontend, but with time and contact with other parts of the web stack it became clear that the most impactful ideas apply everywhere and these ideas are the ones he does his best to talk about.



How does DDD and software architecture play on the frontend?

Domain-Driven Design is a technique used to separate domain-specific code from the concerns of the rest of the application. In this talk, let's discuss about how DDD and software architecture applies to frontend applications considering their specificities and domain concepts inherent to the frontend world.