Gift Egwuenu

Developer Advocate @ Cloudflare

Building Serverless Applications with Cloudflare Pages
viernes 3, 11:30 - 12:00
Gift Egwuenu


Gift Egwuenu

Developer Advocate @ Cloudflare

Gift is a Developer Advocate at Cloudflare. She has worked in the web development industry for over 5 years building tools and products that help businesses scale. In her previous role, she worked as a front-end developer. She is now working in developer relations. Gift loves to share her experience in web development, and career-related topics, with the goal of helping people level up their skills in the industry.


Building Serverless Applications with Cloudflare Pages

With the advent of serverless, we don't have to worry about managing our own servers. Thanks to the introduction of serverless applications, you can now write a function and deploy it to the cloud.

In this talk, we'll build a server less application using Cloudflare's stack. We’ll use Pages to host our static content, Functions for managing the dynamic part of our app, Workers KV to persist data, and Wrangler to do local development together with Cloudflare Pages offerings like unlimited preview environments, fast builds, and integration with a Git client.