Aleksandra Sikora

Open source Developer @ Flightcontrol

Take a Rest From REST
sábado 4, 15:30 - 16:00
Aleksandra Sikora


Aleksandra Sikora

Open source Developer @ Flightcontrol

Aleksandra is a software engineer based in Wrocław, Poland. Previously a tech lead for the Hasura Console and a lead maintainer of Blitz.js. Loves hiking, rock climbing and oat milk.


Take a Rest From REST

There are amazing tools out there providing you with excellent type safety. But when you get to the client-side fetching, things go wild. Even if you have perfectly typed backed, you lose the type information during the client-side communication. Yes, you can use GraphQL or protobuf and generate types, but... what if I told you there's an easier way? A way that lets you develop your apps smoother than with REST or GraphQL? How? RPC! Say hi to maximum productivity with fantastic developer experience.

Nuestros Charlistas

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Aleksandra Sikora

Open source Developer
@ Flightcontrol

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